What Is The Point Guard Position In Basketball? History, Roles & Responsibilities

Last Updated on: 29th April 2024, 06:25 pm

In the dynamic world of basketball, the point guard reigns as the pivotal playmaker. Imagine them as the chess master of the court, orchestrating each move with precision and foresight.

As the team’s strategist and leader, the point guard not only sparks the offense but also unifies the team’s diverse skills into a cohesive force. This guide is your ticket into the thrilling realm of point guards, where you’ll discover their multifaceted roles, the mental and physical prowess required, and the strategies that crown them as court maestros.

basketball point guard

Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or new to the game, you’ll gain a deeper insight into why the point guard’s role is indispensable in steering a team to triumph.

What Is A Point Guard In Basketball?

A point guard is a position in basketball whose main job is to handle the ball and set up plays for the team. They are responsible for running the team’s offense by controlling the ball and ensuring it gets to the right player at the right time. Point guards are expected to facilitate scoring opportunities for their team or sometimes for themselves.

They are also responsible for calling plays, passing to teammates, and much more. The point guard is one of the five common basketball positions and primarily initiates the offense, dribbles, and passes the ball to teammates. 

The point guard is usually the player in possession of the ball most during a game and is responsible for defending the opponent’s point guard and trying to steal the ball. The point guard is also considered the team’s best dribbler and passer and is often described as a coach on the floor.

Who Are Some Well-Known NBA Point Guards?

Some well-known NBA point guards include Magic Johnson, Stephen Curry, Chris Paul, John Stockton, Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, Isiah Thomas, Damian Lillard, Kyrie, and Russell Westbrook.

Here are some of the tallest point guards as well.

What Does A Basketball Point Guard Do?

The role and responsibilities of a point guard are specialized. The point guard runs the team’s offense by controlling the ball and ensuring it gets to the right player at the right time.

Here are some specific things that a point guard does:

  • Initiates the offense by dribbling the ball up the court and calling plays.
  • Facilitates scoring opportunities for their team or sometimes for themselves.
  • Distributes the ball to other players and gets the rest of the team involved in the offense.
  • He passes accurately and efficiently against different types of defenses, such as a full-court press, a trap defense, a man-to-man defense, and a zone defense.
  • Utilizes the fundamental basketball defense principles of the defensive stance and lateral sliding to contain the offensive player with the ball.
  • Displays good leadership skills and acts as a coach on the floor.
  • He has a good court vision to create scoring opportunities near the basket or the perimeter.

A basketball point guard is crucial in running the team’s offense, facilitating scoring opportunities, distributing the ball, and displaying good leadership skills. They must also have good court vision, passing accuracy, and defensive skills.

What Is The Average Height Of A Point Guard?

The average height of a point guard in basketball varies depending on the level of competition. Still, the following information can provide some insight:

  • According to observations, the typical NBA point guard’s ideal height is 6’3″ +/- 1″ and is around 190 lbs. +/- 15 lbs.
  • The average height of an NBA point guard in 2022 is 6’2″ tall, with the most common height for point guards during the 2021/2022 season is 6’1″.
  • In NCAA Division 1 men’s basketball, the average height of a point guard is 5’11”.
  • Point guards are usually the smallest and shortest players on the court. Still, they can vary in height depending on the level of competition.

The average height of a point guard in basketball can vary depending on the level of competition. Still, they are usually the smallest and shortest players on the court. The typical NBA point guard’s ideal height is around 6’3″, and the average height of an NBA point guard in 2022 is 6’2″ tall.

What Are The Main Point Guard Plays and Strategies?

The main point guard plays, and strategies include:

  • Initiating the offense.
  • Facilitating scoring opportunities.
  • Passing accurately and efficiently against different defenses.
  • Utilizing fundamental basketball defense principles.
  • Being an excellent dribbler and passer.
  • Defending the opponent’s point guard.

What Does It Take To Be A Good Point Guard?

Several qualities and skills are essential to be a good point guard in basketball. Here are some of them: 


  • Unselfishness and good leadership skills.
  • Court savvy and high basketball IQ.
  • Good team defender and an on-ball defender.
  • Ability to cheer teammates on and keep them from giving up on any play or game.


  • Excellent dribbling and ball-handling skills.
  • Quickness to get the ball up the court and defend against the opposing team’s point guard.
  • Excellent passing skills, including passing accurately and efficiently against different defenses.
  • Shooting and scoring ability.
  • Ability to handle the ball under pressure and stay calm when facing double or triple teams.

To be a good basketball point guard, one needs to have qualities such as unselfishness, good leadership skills, and court savvy, as well as skills such as excellent dribbling, ball handling, passing, and shooting ability.

Additionally, a good point guard, like these best point guards of all time, should be able to handle the ball under pressure and stay calm when facing double or triple teams.

Learn how to be a better point guard here.

What Are The Physical Requirements Of A Point Guard?

The physical requirements of a point guard in basketball can vary depending on the level of competition, but here are some general characteristics:

  • Point guards tend to be short and light, although there are exceptions.
  • They need to have a high aerobic resistance and tolerance to anaerobic effort.
  • They do not need as much strength as other positions but must still be quick and agile.
  • Quickness is essential for getting the ball up the court and playing defense against the opposing team’s point guard.
  • They must handle the ball under pressure and stay calm when facing double or triple teams.
  • Height can vary depending on the level of competition, but an elite (High D1) point guard can be between 6’1″ and 6’3″.

What Are The Mental Requirements Of A Point Guard?

Being a point guard in basketball requires not only physical skills but also mental qualities. 

The mental requirements of a point guard in basketball include toughness, unselfishness, high basketball IQ, leadership, emotional control, good decision-making skills, the ability to cheer teammates on, and good communication skills. These qualities are essential for a point guard to successfully lead the team and coordinate the offense.

What Types Of Training Does a Point Guard Use To Improve?

Point guards in basketball must train physically and mentally to improve their skills and performance. 

Here are some types of training that point guards can use to improve.

Physical Training:

  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) to improve aerobic and anaerobic endurance.
  • Small-sided games (3×3) to enhance aerobic and repeated sprint performance.
  • At-home workouts and teachings through online courses such as the PGC Basketball Point Guard Master Class.
  • Point guard-specific workouts such as the one provided by Stack.

Mental Training:

  • Developing a point guard mentality by being tough, unselfish, and mentally strong.
  • Improving basketball IQ to control the tempo and read the opposing defense.
  • Practicing good decision-making skills to decide on the best play to run depending on the opposing defense.
  • Improving communication skills to direct teammates and coordinate the offense.

In summary, point guards can use physical training such as HIIT and small-sided games and mental training such as developing a point guard mentality and improving basketball IQ, decision-making skills, and communication skills to improve their skills and performance. Online courses and point guard-specific workouts can also help improve their game.

How Do Communications Skills Factor In With A Point Guard Position?

Communication skills are crucial for a point guard position in basketball. Point guards must communicate with their teammates to set up an attack, score opportunities, and execute plays.

Communication is also necessary to keep the whole team on the same page, direct teammates, and coordinate the offense. A good point guard should be able to communicate calls and changes, motivate teammates with positive words and gestures, and demonstrate strong communication skills.

How Much Are NBA Point Guards Paid?

The salaries of point guards in the NBA can vary widely depending on experience, performance, and team factors. The top 10 most significant NBA point guard contracts range from $205 million to $215 million. Stephen C., Luka Doncic, and Trae Young occupy the top three spots.

The average salary of a point guard in the NBA is around $11 million.

However, the salaries of individual players can be much higher or lower than this average. For example, Stephen Curry is the highest-paid point guard in the NBA, with a four-year contract worth $215 million.

Other highly-paid point guards include Luka Doncic, Trae Young, and Russell Westbrook.

It’s important to note that these figures are subject to change as contracts are renegotiated, and new players enter the league. The salaries of point guards in other leagues or at lower levels of competition may be significantly lower than those in the NBA. For example, the average salary of a point guard in the United States is around $48,716 per year, according to Glassdoor.

However, this figure is for all point guards, not just those in the NBA.

Overall, the salaries of point guards in the NBA can vary widely depending on various factors. While some players may earn millions annually, others may earn significantly less.

How Does A Point Guard Work With Other Basketball Positions?

A point guard in basketball works with other positions to coordinate the offense and defense. Here are some ways in which a point guard works with different basketball positions:

  • Point guards organize and initiate the offense by dribbling the ball up the court, calling plays, and passing to teammates.
  • Point guards work with shooting guards to create scoring opportunities and set up offensive plays. See more info about the differences between point guard vs shooting guard here.
  • Point guards work with small and power forwards to distribute the ball and get the rest of the team involved in the offense.
  • Point guards work with centers to set up pick-and-roll plays and create scoring opportunities near the basket.
  • Point guards also work with other positions on defense to contain the offensive player with the ball and apply on-ball pressure.

How Has The Point Guard Basketball Position Evolved?

The point guard position in basketball has evolved. Here are some ways in which the point guard position has changed:

  • Traditionally, point guards were responsible for initiating the offense, dribbling the ball up the court, calling plays, and passing to teammates.
  • Point guards were also responsible for directing plays, having good court vision, and creating scoring opportunities for their teammates.
  • Point guards were expected to be unselfish, intelligent, and good leaders.
  • Point guards needed to be excellent dribblers and passers, with quickness to get the ball up the court and play defense against the opposing team’s point guard.
  • Over time, basketball has evolved, and players are now required to play two or more positions simultaneously.
  • The point guard position has become more versatile, with players who can adapt quickly to different roles and excel in different positions according to the needs of their team.
  • Point guards are now expected to be equally adept at defensive plays, with the ability to steal the ball or force a turnover.


The point guard position in basketball is multifaceted, demanding, and incredibly rewarding. This position requires physical prowess and mental agility, with players needing to be leaders, strategists, playmakers, and communicators, all while showcasing exceptional ball-handling and shooting skills.

Despite being traditionally the smallest player on the court, a point guard’s influence is enormous, often shaping the entire dynamic and outcome of the game. As basketball continues to evolve, so does the point guard role, with increasing versatility and adaptability required.

From legendary players such as Magic Johnson and Stephen Curry to promising future talents, the point guard position remains a vital and fascinating aspect of the sport.

So whether you’re an aspiring player or an avid fan, understanding the intricacies of the point guard position offers a deeper appreciation for the beautiful game of basketball.