Vert Shock Review (No Leaked PDF’s, Just The Real Thing)

Last Updated on: 29th April 2024, 11:11 pm

vert shock review
Contents show

Vert Shock (short for vertical shock training) is a vertical jump training program creaded by Adam Folker that boldly promises to increase your vertical by 9-15 inches in less than eight weeks.

This led me to this Vert Shock review.

Most jump programs require at least 3-6 months to see half the results Vert Shock promises you. Vert Shock has helped over 20,000 people so far.

VertShock Banner 3

Why I Chose To Review Vert Shock

I am 25 and tall, sitting 6’2, but I always had trouble playing above the rim. I know it’s sad.

Throughout high school, my vertical never reached over 20 inches. I always wondered, how do I jump higher? I was not a natural jumper, and everything I tried never worked. I tried watching videos on YouTube and reading books.

My struggles in jumping are one of the main reasons this program stood out to me.

In high school, I always dreamed about throwing a tomahawk down in a pickup game or being able to dunk between the legs on a Fast break…

I always wanted to feel the accomplishment of flushing the basketball through the net and hanging on the rim.

I heard about another program called Jump Manual, but I always heard mixed reviews about it.

You can check out my review of Jump Manual here.

After actually trying another program, BounceKit, and not going anywhere. I gained a few inches on my vertical but still could not dunk.

I wasn’t happy with the results of this new knowledge.

I saw Vert Shock as a second chance to accomplish my dream of being a dunker.

Why Didn’t I Go Anywhere Before Vert Shock?

vert shock reviews

Everyone I ever talked to who wanted to dunk did the same thing and followed the same routine.

  1. Watch dunking videos on YouTube and see people dunking in pick-up games
  2. Get inspired and look up some exercises on the internet.
  3. Do a few of the exercises for a couple of weeks
  4. Give up because of lack of results
  5. Repeat…

When I went through this vicious pattern multiple times, I thought I was not a natural jumper and would never be…

Does any of this sound familiar? You are not alone.

I would look at players like Spud Webb and Nate Roberson, thinking they are under 6 feet and dunking like crazy. Why can’t I?

After many failures in my quest to be a dunker, I was ready to give up and throw in the towel for good…

Does Vert Shock Work? Is It Legit?

Yes, it works!

Comparison With Other Vertical Jump Programs

I think that VertShock is among the best vertical jump program options. If you want to see how this compares with other online vertical jump programs, I did a very detailed article on the best vertical jump programs here.

Introducing The Vert Shock Program

VertShock Banner

Adan Folker Vert Shock is not like other jump programs.

Most programs that “claim” to increase your vertical don’t work…

But Vert Shock is different!

The zero-to-slam framework for this program is 60 days broken down into 3 Phases and will have you dunking in no time…

  • Phase 1: Pre-Shock
  • Phase 2: Shock Phase
  • Phase 3: Post-Shock

You will get results from Vert Shock regardless of age, height, athleticism, or genetics.

Because of this framework, Vert Shock became the highest-rated vertical jump program on the market.

Vert Shock Price

Vert Shock typically runs for $134.

How To Buy Vert Shock

It’s easy – click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page for the order link button.

Is There A Leaked PDF Version?

I would not recommend downloading a leaked PDF. Get the real thing, help support the creator, and get all the benefits from purchasing it.

Why Vert Shock Above Other Options?

What drove me to try this vertical training routines program above others?

1. There Is No Better to Learn From Than Adam Folker and Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington.

Adam Folker, who played Division I basketball and played as a pro, and Justin ‘jus Fly’ Darlington, who holds the title as the world’s #1 Highest dunker.

These two guys understand the science behind jumping higher.

With the credibility of these two guys, it was hard to pass up the program.

2. No Gym is Required

Vert Shock work outs require no weights…therefore, there is no need for a gym!

The convenience of not needing a gym or equipment was great!

Another benefit of having no weights is that the program is 100% safe!

This makes sense; not one person tries to dunk with dumbbells.

3. Amazing Reviews and Testimonials

On the main site, countless reviews and testimonials describe the amazing results that Vert Shock is responsible for…

After going through some of these, I was sold…

I mean I never saw one bad Vert shock review…

If other people all around the planet were able to get these results, I can too!

4. 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

This is special, I saw another program do this before, a full 60 Day money-back guarantee.

You can go through the whole program, and if you are unhappy, you can get a full refund…


That means if you did not get the results you were looking for, you can get a full refund!

The discounted price is $67 from $427, which is a steal if the program does what it says.

At worst, I thought that if I wasn’t happy after the program, I could always get my money back…

With this in mind, I bought the program without hesitation and never looked back.

The Science Behind Vert Shock

Vert Shock focuses on muscle tissue called elastic fibers…

These elastic fibers turn your legs into a rubber band.

How it works is when your legs bend, tension builds up…

Then, once you extend your legs, it releases.

You need to target these elastic fibers to maximize your vertical jumping ability.

Stronger elastic fibers equal a higher vertical,


You will end up neglecting these fibers if you don’t train with special exercises

Crazy fact: Several scientific studies confirm your elastic fibers are the only way to increase your vertical.

Vert Shock Workouts – Exercise and Workout Breakdown

As mentioned, the Vert Shock program is divided into three main phases: Pre-Shock, Shock, and Post-Shock. Each phase includes specific exercises and workouts designed to target various aspects of your vertical jump.

The Three-Phase Jump Program

Before I started my three-phase Vert Shock Journey, I only had a 20-inch vertical…

During this 8-week jump program, you will do Advanced plyometrics, core strength, and power exercises.

1. Pre-Shock Phase (23” Vertical) – Week 1

vert shock phases

This phase is designed to get your body ready…

It is a warm-up for the next phase.

This week 1 phase lasts a week, and you will train for 30 minutes per session for four days.

I gained 3 inches during this phase!

Key exercises in the Pre-Shock phase include:

  • Warm-up exercises help increase muscle blood flow, improve flexibility, and prevent injury or pain.
  • Plyometric exercises involve fast, explosive movements that help increase your power and elasticity, essential for a higher vertical jump.
  • Core strength exercises: Strengthening your core muscles is crucial for overall stability and control during jumping.

Vert shock claims people have gained 3-5 inches just with this phase.

This is where the magic happens…

2. Shock Phase (29” Vertical)

This phase is a full 6-week, where you will work 4-5 times a week. The other days are set aside for recovery…

You will be pushed to your limits…


It is worth it!

It would be best to give 100% MAX EFFORT at this stage…

During these workouts, it attacks the fast-twitch muscle fibers for maximum results.

Throughout the 6-week Shock phase, I can feel the dramatic change that my body was going through.

Key exercises in the Shock phase include:

  • Advanced plyometrics: These high-intensity exercises target the fast-twitch muscle fibers responsible for explosive power and speed.
  • Strength training: Exercises such as squats, lunges, and step-ups focus on building strength in the lower body, which is crucial for generating force during jumps.
  • Jump technique drills: These exercises help improve your jumping form and technique, allowing for more efficient energy transfer and a higher vertical jump.

This is the phase where I progressed the most and became more explosive.

Towards the end of this phase, I felt like I had springs in my legs on the court!

I gained 6 inches during this phase, completing my first dunk!

3. Post-Shock Phase (31” Vertical)

In this phase, you combine phases one and two, and what you learned becomes cemented in your muscle memory…

Here Vert Shock backs off on intensity, and you’ll work out four days for about 30 minutes…

Still will not be easy because your body will be sore from the previous phase.

The goals of this phase are to work on your jumping form, get max results…

This is not the time to quit! There’s only a week left!

Key exercises in the Post-Shock phase include:

  • Low-intensity plyometrics: These exercises help maintain the elasticity and power gained in the Shock phase without overexerting your muscles.
  • Jump technique drills: Continued practice of proper jump technique ensures that the improvements become second nature.
  • Cooling down and stretching exercises are crucial for muscle recovery and maintaining flexibility.

After this stage, you will be rocking the rim with ease!

I gained 2 inches during this phase!

After this phase, my total Vertical improved to 31 inches!

Now let me answer the big question…

Vert Shock: Best Vertical Jump Program?

People have asked me if Vert Shock is a Scam. Or Does Vert Shock Work?

My thoughts and experience on Vert Shock are that it works!

Vert Shock is the best vertical jump program in the game!

This program has the best exercises to improve your vertical…

During this program, I gained 11 inches on my vertical…

This brings my total vertical jump up to an astonishing 31 inches!

My Vert Shock results are crazy…

Vert shock does a great job of combining different types of exercise to create amazing results.

I had never dreamed of results like this when I started this program.

When I threw down a two-handed dunk, my friends were amazed…

I was always considered the unathletic tall kid who could not jump.

Yes… this jump program was extremely hard


Yes, it is worth every minute and every dollar I spend!

I believe Vert Shock will work if you are 5’4 or 6’8…

Vert Shock is great; it will work regardless of age, Height, Weight, Genetics, or athletics.

By following these tips, you can stay motivated, manage your time effectively, and optimize your results while following the Vert Shock program, ultimately significantly improving your vertical jump performance.

Vert Shock Is Simple

Adam breaks down all his exercise step by step…

Adam is very clear on how to do the exercise, he may not be as excited to watch as some other programs…

But, in my opinion, I liked it that way. It let me focus on the exercise to get better results and gain more.

vert shock program pdf

Adam breaks down the videos so that they can be easily understood…

This way, you can get the best results and improve your max vertical.

Post Vert Shock

Many people wonder what happens after the jump program. Does it last? Do the gains go away?

At the time of this writing, it has been three months since vert shock, and I have not lost one inch…

This is because of one of the bonuses you get when purchasing Vert Shock…

Called the Vert Shock maintenance program

The maintenance program is done once a week and has 3 different workouts…

I recommend that you do this every week…

I am not going to lie I have skipped a couple of weeks and not lost any gains.


I played basketball during those weeks, so I was still active.

You do not want to lose all the hard work you put into your vertical jump so, the maintenance program is a great idea.

Vert Shock is Not Used Just For Dunking!

Most people’s goal for Vert Shock is dunking, which is great!

But this intense program has some significant other benefits too…

  • You’ll be a better shot blocker
  • You’ll be more explosive and agile
  • Increased Stamina
  • A bigger threat on the court
  • You will get ripped
  • Feel healthier and leaner than ever

I can see this being primarily a basketball training program but, Vert Shock is just not used for basketball…

A higher vertical can do great things for players in other sports like…

  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Soccer

Pros Vs. Cons of Vert Shock


1. No Weights/Gym/Equipment Required

Every exercise is designed to increase your vertical leap by doing plyometric exercises.

2. Safe For Teenagers

Will not stunt your growth. Be assured that Vert Shock will not impede your growth.

3. Injury Safe

Very important once into the program and starting to jump high.

4. Access

Can be accessed on any device from anywhere.

5. Provides Support

There are weekly email check-ins to ensure you stay on track, which is essential in an intense jump program like this one. Also, Adam himself will answer your specific questions and give you feedback. Vert Shock is passionate about helping you reach your goal of dunking.

6. 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Vert Shock is so confident in its program that if you do not see success in 60 days or are unhappy with the program, you can get your money back! No other program is that confident.


1. Very Intense

This is not all bad because you want to work to get results. Just be sure to set aside working time and commit 100% to get the full effect of Vert Shock.

2. Requires Internet Connection

You need WiFi or a data connection to view the materials during workouts. The workout sheets and printable materials can be downloaded to a phone or computer.


Vert Shock is the most generous of all the vertical jump programs regarding bonuses…

vert shock results

Giving a total of 11 bonuses!

  1. The Vert Shock Maintenance Program
  2. Weekly Check-ins
  3. “The 4 Vertical Jump Killers”
  4. “The 5 Dirty Secrets to Jump Higher”
  5. “The jump higher list Checklist”
  6. “NBA Jump Secrets Revealed”
  7. “The Power Leak Fix for Overnight Hops”
  8. “Olympic High Jump Hacks Revealed”
  9. “The Slingshot Secret to Instantly Jump Higher”
  10. “The Dunk Now Visualization Workout”
  11. “The Vert Shock Vert Tracker Workbook”

This is over $330 worth of free bonuses!

Update: One last bonus for a limited time

Jump Like Justin System

vert shock

Justin ‘jus Fly’ Darlington is giving away the top secrets that allowed him to win multiple dunk contests by throwing down huge dunks…

This bonus focuses more on perfecting your jumping technique, which is vital for any jumper…

I have not done this workout yet; at the time I purchased Vert Shock, the Jump Like Justin System was $97, but, right now, it is free.

I am excited to start trying it soon; looking at the workouts’ it looks like it will give me a few extra inches to my vertical.

If anything else, it is another excellent resource to increase your vertical added to Vert Shock’s already amazing price.


Vert Shock was a massive success for me, and I will recommend it to anyone trying to increase their vertical or enhance their game…

I can finally throw down dunks that I never thought possible…

It was hard, but this dunk training was well worth it!

This is not the end for me, tho…

I plan on going through the Vert Shock program again, and this time, add Jump Like Justin System workouts, too…

My next goal for jumping is to reach a 38” vertical leap!

I know it will be a challenge, but I have my mindset, and I believe I will achieve it with the help of Vert Shock and Jump Like Justin System.

Hopefully, I can dunk on command in a game after I go through Vert Shock a second time…

I can already see a difference in my game after just three short months post Vert Shock.

Vert Sock can change your game tremendously; it is the top vertical jump program on the market right now.

It is not easy, but it is worth every ounce of sweat I put in!

If you are serious about dunking, improving your vertical leap, or improving your game, I urge you to take the leap and get Vert Shock!

You have made it this far and read this long article, so I know you are serious and have the mindset and discipline to complete and get the maximum results out of Vert Shock.

That’s my experience with Vert Shock. Hopefully, my Vert Shock review gave you a better understanding of it and whether it is right for you…

I hope this will motivate you to act and increase your vertical!

Vert Shock Program Free PDF

vert shock ebook

I know it is hard to commit to an 8-week program…

We will give you a free PDF for Vert shock so you can familiarize yourself with it and start your journey to increasing your vertical…

This book will help you add 4 inches to your vertical in under an hour!

I read this book after buying the program, and it has really good stuff in it…

The books show you four explosive hacks, showing you how to increase your vertical by 4 inches in under an hour.

What will you get???

  • Top NBA secrets…
  • Improved jumping technique
  • The best type of shoes to wear
  • Best stretching exercises

It does not cost anything, so it is worth reading.

Vert Shock Review FAQs

Is Vert Shock Legit?

Vert Shock is legit. It is a vertical training program with real testimonials worldwide. Using plyometric exercises, Vert Shock aims to increase your vertical by 9-15 inches in just 8 weeks.

How Much Does Vert Shock Cost?

The Vert Shock jump program usually costs $134, but now you can get it for a discounted price of $67. Vert Shock has a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. Currently, it comes with $330 of bonus content for free. Check out this Vert Shock discount here as well.

Is Vert Shock Beginner Friendly?

Vert Shock is suitable for all levels, including beginners. The jump program does not require weights. Therefore, it focuses on advanced plyometrics, core strength, and power exercises to increase your vertical.

Does Vert Shock Really Work?

Vert Shock has received positive reviews and testimonials from many users who have seen improvements in their vertical jump performance after completing the program. However, it’s essential to remember that results can vary depending on individual fitness levels, consistency, and dedication to the program.

Is Vert Shock A Scam?

Vert Shock is not a scam. It is a legitimate vertical jump training program developed by Adam Folker and Justin “Jus Fly” Darlington, who have credible sports and athletic training backgrounds. The program is based on scientifically proven principles of plyometrics and shock training, which improve athletes’ power, speed, and explosiveness.

Can Girls Do Vert Shock?

Yes, girls can participate in the Vert Shock program. The principles of plyometrics and shock training apply to male and female athletes. The program is designed to improve vertical jump height, which can benefit athletes of any gender in various sports.

Does Vert Shock Make You Faster?

While the program is not specifically designed to increase speed, some exercises, including speed, may contribute to overall athletic performance.

How Long Does It Take To Do The Vert Shock Workout?

On average, a Vert Shock workout can take about 45 minutes to an hour to complete. This includes the time spent on warm-ups, the main exercises, and cool-downs. The Vert Shock program is structured as an 8-week program.

How Does It Compare To Jump Manual?

We put together a full article here on Vert Shock vs Jump Manual.

How Quickly Can I Improve My Vertical Jump With Vert Shock?

Vert Shock is designed to deliver noticeable improvements in your vertical jump height within the duration of its 8-week program. The content shares a personal journey of gaining 11 inches overall, suggesting that achieving a 6-inch increase in your vertical jump within this timeframe is feasible for participants who follow the program diligently.

Which Vertical Jump Program Is Considered the Best?

Based on a comprehensive review and personal experience, Vert Shock is highlighted as one of the best vertical jump programs available. The program stands out for its structured approach, dividing the training into three main phases (Pre-Shock, Shock, and Post-Shock) and its promise of significant improvements without the need for a gym or weights. The review emphasizes Vert Shock’s effectiveness in increasing vertical jump height, setting it apart from other programs on the market.

How Can I Achieve an Insane Vertical Jump?

While the review focuses on the Vert Shock program, achieving an “insane” vertical jump involves a combination of plyometric exercises, strength training, and proper technique, all of which are components of Vert Shock. Consistency, dedication, and following a well-structured program like Vert Shock are key to significant improvements.

Is a 20-Inch Vertical Jump Considered Poor?

Vertical jump heights can vary widely depending on age, gender, and athletic background. The review does not specifically classify a 20-inch vertical as poor; it emphasizes personal improvement and the achievement of personal bests through the Vert Shock program.

How Much Can I Improve My Vertical Jump in One Month?

While the Vert Shock program is designed for an 8-week timeframe, individual results can vary. The review does not specify monthly improvement metrics, but it highlights significant overall gains, suggesting that consistent training can lead to noticeable improvements even within the first month.

Is a 25-Inch Vertical Good for a 16-Year-Old?

A 25-inch vertical is generally considered a solid performance for high school athletes, including 16-year-olds.

How Rare Is a 50-Inch Vertical Jump?

Achieving a 50-inch vertical jump is rare and typically seen among elite athletes. The review does not detail the rarity of such feats but focuses on achievable improvements for the average individual using Vert Shock.